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Pelvic Care Specialist  Certification

The Women's Health Certification is available, in two levels, for osteopaths to apply for, and requires attainment of certain post graduate training, or an extensive experience base.  This is assessed on a case by case basis, and must be reviewed every 3 years.  This certification means that the practitioner has additional post graduate education in women's health across the lifespan, and that they agree to maintain the standards set by the whombs organisation.

Level one certification requires a minimum of 300 hours of self-directed learning, formal taught lectures and direct clinical observations and supervised clinical training.

Level two, requires an additional 200 hours of self-directed learning, further clinical observations and supervised clinical training, and further lecture requirements.

The education committee in women's considers qualifications, continued professional training and experience when considering eligibility.

More information in knowledge and skills areas required is given below.

What should osteopaths' training in women's heath include?

This is an indicative list of the main areas of knowledge and capabilities required, and is periodically reviewed:

Anatomy and Physiology

To have an in-depth knowledge of the visceral, physiological and neuro-endocrine immune systems regulating women's bodies and reproductive functions.

To understand pregnancy physiological changes, and to understand the processes of labour and delivery, and postpartum recovery

To understand puberty, menopause and other lifespan issues for girls and women.

To have an in-depth understanding of the embodied and biomechanical functions of the body, and how body image, body form, and body function integrate with emotions, motivation, sense of self and overall quality of life.

Pathology and diagnostic screening

Women's voices, patient centred care, rehabilitation, lifestyle and educational support

Osteopathic evaluation and approaches to care, critical appraisal of evidence and rationale for care, risk-benefit, referrals and integrating with general heath services provision

To understand specific diseases and problems that occur in women, and to understand gender differences in physiology and function

To understand standard medical treatment protocols and screening tools, and to critically appraise the relationship of osteopathic care to other health professions' roles and care pathways

To have a details and critical knowledge of a variety of hands-on and physical screening and evaluation tools to inform the relevance and safety of osteopathic care

To be able to critically reflect on the impact of osteopathic care, and to understand risks or contra-indications of certain techniques, and to have a strong working knowledge of informed consent.

To value the voices of women and their experiences, and to appreciate their central role in determining how they should be supported and cared for.

To have a working knowledge in rehabilitation, exercise prescription, lifestyle and general educational advice to support self-care and care i the community

To have a strong commitment to determining the evidence base and scientific rationale for osteopathic care across a range of presentations relevant to women across their lifespan.

To acknowledge and communicate that osteopathic care is about the person not the disease or problem, and to know that women and girls can value many care approaches.

To practice osteopathy in a way that can play supportive and complementary, as well as sometimes independent, roles in support of the people in their care.

To be committed to interprofessional and public communication about osteopathic approaches and to understand the limits as we/l as the potential benefit in their work.





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